City Nomads is a new online destination offering its members exclusive access to the best in dining, drinking and entertainment. Their brief requested an online instructional video that instead of providing a long-winded, step-by-step feature list, would present an overview of the site while portraying the kind of fun and discerning lifestyle City Nomads' members can enjoy

For more information about City Nomads and to begin enjoying offers, visit their site at

The original music is entitled "Swinging Across the Sky," by Oscilot

Writer / Director / Editor / Producer:  Warren Tessler
Director of Photography:  Han West
With Julie Wee, Claude O’Steen,
Larry Yeo & Gilani Sumida-Moiseff
Song by Oscilot / Forest Christenson
Production Company:  DUMMY PILOT
Client:  City Nomads

1.5 minutes / HD / Color / 2010
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