Glam-Up is Yahoo! South-East Asia’s very first foray into original web content. The result was a fun and contemporary instructional show featuring all of the latest make-up and hairstyle trends, deconstructed and brought to life by renowned stylist Andrea Claire, who's work has been featured in numerous high-profile fashion magazines, films, and TV appearances.
Over the course of the series, expect to see Andrea show you how to tackle a range of subjects, including various eye make-up tutorials, interesting and fashionable hairstyles like up-do's and braids, and even how to make your own stylish turban out of that scarf you never wear.
Directed / Produced by Warren Tessler
Produced by Bhavna Shivayogimath
Director of Photography:  Sangchul Lee
Production Company:  DUMMY PILOT
Client:  Yahoo! Asia-Pacific
5 minutes (x4) / HD / Color / 2012
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